The Church Up Close
Covering Catholicism in the Age of Francis
Building on its very successful monthly-seminar series for Rome-based Vatican correspondents, the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome is offering the sixth edition of its intensive one-week Seminar in English, The Church Up Close: Covering Catholicism in the Age of Francis. The Seminar, from September 8-14, 2014, is designed for foreign journalists who cover the Roman Catholic Church.
Combining conferences, interactive workshops, personal encounters, and on-site visits, the seminar gives journalists an array of tools to enhance the quality of their coverage of the Roman Catholic Church. Participants will receive a basic sense of the lay of the land at the Vatican; a serious, in-depth analysis of specific hot-button issues confronting today’s Church; a personal introduction to some knowledgeable insiders and key players in Rome; a taste of the rich history and culture behind contemporary Church affairs; a chance to dialogue, in an ideal setting, with journalists from around the world, on the complex relationships between religion and the media.